Infertility 101

Infertility 101

Infertility affects 1 in 6 couples. It causes significant stress, unhappiness, family disharmonies. May need costly laboratory tests and IVF to fix. As couples or individuals we can do a number of things to boost our fertility that will not cost us a penny… like…

What is NEW, USEFUL and ADVISED include appropriate LIFE-STYLE practices such as avoidance of excessive usage of

  • Alcohol in both females and males. Not more than 1 – 2units per week and 2 – 4 units/week are recommended for both females and males, respectively.
  • It is recommended that couples should keep away from smoking (which have detrimental fertility effects.
  • Limited Coffee, Tea, Cola and Chocolate consumption.
  • Maintenance of normal body weight, and avoidance excessively low body weight & obesity (normal range of BMI 19 – 30 should be maintained)
  • NO tight underwear or pants for men
  • Avoidance of testicular exposure to heat especially in such occupations involving prolonged bicycle\motorcycle rides, long distance lorry drivers and bakers.
  • Avoid unnecessary exposures to X-rays, heavy metals and pesticides.
  • Avoid DRUGS with adverse consequences on fertility especially over-the-counter and recreational drugs like cannabis, heroin and cocaine.
  • Engage in sensible use of VITAMINS & MINERALS – A, B, C, D, E, Zinc, Selenium, Folic acid.
  • Endeavour to eat Balanced DIET & Fruits
  • Engage in moderate physical exercise to keep your BMI within the normal range at around 19 to 25 kg/metre square.

More info Click Dr. Lateef Akinola

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