fertility, infertility, fibroid, IVF, Fallopian tube

HYDROSALPINX is a disease associated with the female fallopian tube. – it could be unilateral or bilateral, that is, it could affect only one or both tubes together.
The fallopian tube is simply a passage for the egg and sperm and also serves as a fertilization ‘organ’ in the female genitalia where the egg and sperm stays combine to make the embryo. The embryo then travels from there to the womb for implantation and fetal development Fallopian tube blockage and hydrosalpinx can make natural fertilization of the human egg by sperm impossible. It also can increase faliure rates in IVF.

CAUSES: for example include
1. Consequences of female pelvic infections especially due to chiamydia or gonorrhea.
2. Adhesions around fallopian tube caused by endometriosis.
3. Blockage by any adjacent located Fibroid.

Diagnosis imaging e.g pelvic ultrasound scan (2D/3D), HSG and/or MRI/CT scans, for diagnosis. Thorough investigation for Pelvic infection and treatment, keyhole (laparoscopy) surgical clipping or excision of the fallopian tube(s) can be followed by IVF.


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