Infertility is a common condition affecting about 1 in 6 couples. The incidence worldwide is about 10% to 15%. About 80 million couples are affected worldwide. It is of two types: Primary infertility when the woman has never conceived; Secondary infertility where she has conceived at least once that resulted in miscarriages or live birth. Sexually transmitted infections (STDs)/pelvic infections, […]
Pregnancy care Are you pregnant, with or without fertility/IVF treatments through us, we at Medison Specialist Women’s Hospital (our sister service provider) would want to provide you with top notch antenal care/high obstetric services. Your obstetric care is our top priority, but we also place special emphasis on your overall well-being and are committed to helping […]
Adjuvant fertility therapies (AFT) are supplementary treatments given to women and men undergoing fertility treatments with the aim of increasing pregnancy and live births. However, many of the studies on the therapeutic benefits of AFT in IVF including updated meta-analysis of randomized control trials (RCTs) are conflicting. DHEA, CO-Q tablets and most AFTs that have been reported […]
Surrogacy affords opportunities for patients without structurally functional uterus including those with inheritable natural genetic and iatrogenic absent uterus and in some instances repeated implantation failures to have children. Surrogacy is undoubtedly fraught with significant emotional, social, moral, ethical, religious and legal landmines and controversies. At present, there is no internationally agreed and unified surrogacy […]
Most women incidentally discover the presence of uterine fibroid, especially when they present to their doctors for infertility investigations. The association of fibroids and infertility largely depend on the size, number and location of the fibroids. Fibroids can be located in the wall of the womb (intramural fibroids), on the external surface (subserosal) or in […]
Balancing fertility and cancer treatments: Fertility preservation. .. useful options to consider if…you are considering cancer treatments that will be toxic and will destroy the eggs, ovaries (in girls/women) and sperm, testes (in boys/men) like chemotherapy and/ or radiotherapy. To ensure future fertility such patients can have eggs, sperms and/or parts of or the whole […]
A client seen in our specialist reproductive endocrinology clinic aged 37 years stopped seeing her menstruation at the age of 34 years. She is seriously concerned. She has been to several hospitals and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. What are her treatment options? Furthermore, what is premature ovarian failure? What are the causes? How […]
1ST GERMAN-NIGERIAN Comprehensive training workshop in intermediate / advanced gynaecological minimally invasive endoscopic procedures. Laparoscopy and HysteroscopyTrainers are all world class endoscopic specialists + renowned pelvic anatomists. … This training workshop is been organised by Medison Specialist Women’s Hospital, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, College of Medicine (CMUL) Lagos and Kiel School of Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy. […]
This study reiterated an already established fact that serum AMH test is a useful predictor of a woman’s egg reserve but not an absolute predictor of whether she will get pregnant or not either spontaneously or following IVF treatment. Therefore, a low AMH result should not be used as an absolute cut off point when […]
Infertility is often associated with unacceptable level of personal stigma, personal stress that could manifest physically, and directed towards others at home, work and within or outside the family. It is a common clinical condition worldwide, with 10% to 15% of couples affected, that is, about 1 in 6 couples or more than 80 million […]