Obstetrics Service

Obstetrics Service

Pregnancy care

Are you pregnant, with or without fertility/IVF treatments through us, we at Medison Specialist Women’s Hospital (our sister service provider) would want to provide you with top notch antenal care/high obstetric services.
Your obstetric care is our top priority, but we also place special emphasis on your overall well-being and are committed to helping women live long and healthy lives.


  • Pre-pregnancy care and counselling,
  • Antenatal care and postnatal care and services: for patients having single, multiple and higher order pregnancies/deliveries;
  • We also offer normal assisted vaginal deliveries, and elective emergency ceasarean sections for various obsteric indications- like fetal distress, breech, placenta abruption and major placenta
  • We provide first class low and high risk obstetric service to support our pregnant women

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